Nike's self-lacing HyperAdapt 1.0 landing November 28th in the States
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 September 2016Not quite Marty McFly's Nike MAGs, but self-lacing nonetheless. FULL STORY >

Samsung will have replacement Galaxy Note 7's in the US by 21 September
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 September 2016The South Korean manufacturer will have new replacement devices, with non-exploding batteries we're assuming, in the US come 21 September. FULL STORY >

Up to 70 Galaxy Note 7 batteries have reportedly overheated in the States
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 September 2016With the Galaxy Note 7 recall well underway in the States, a reported 70 Samsung-made phablets have suffered from overheating batteries. FULL STORY >

Microsoft confirms 2 August release for its Xbox One S console in the States
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 July 2016Microsoft's new slimmer next-gen console is on its way to US retailers on 2 August, with the 2 TB Xbox One S going for $399. No word on SA just yet. FULL STORY >

Facebook debuts new event listings for 10 American cities
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 June 2016Curated by humans, and providing a weekend social calendar of sorts, Facebook announces its new Featured Events list. FULL STORY >

Apple's head of software says FBI demands could threaten all iOS users
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 March 2016Apple's Craig Federighi weighs in on the San Bernardino and FBI situation, stating that giving in to their demands would compromise the safety of all iOS users. FULL STORY >

To give its army added edge, DARPA is working on unjammable chip
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 January 2016In an effort to give the US military a communication advantage, DARPA is currently developing an unjammable chip to combat the use of electronic warfare. FULL STORY >

Samsung Gear VR headset goes on pre-order in US for $99
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 November 2015It has been more than a year since we saw Samsung unveil its Galaxy-aided Gear VR headset. Now the Virtual Reality device is going up for pre-order in the United States for $99 a pop. FULL STORY >

Microsoft reportedly launching Lumia 950 on 20 November Stateside
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 November 2015Following its October Windows 10 device event, all the focus has been on Microsoft's Surface lineup. Now the Lumia 950 will get time to shine, with reported 20 November launch date. FULL STORY >

HTC's One A9 will receive a $100 price increase after initial launch in the States
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 October 2015When HTC unveiled its new One A9 smartphone last week, it was priced at $400. That price will change after the initial launch of the device in the States, with a further $100 added on. FULL STORY >

Samsung giving US iPhone users free test drive of latest smartphones
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 August 2015In a bid to show iPhone users what life is like with Android, Samsung has launched a free 30-day trial program to "test drive" some of its recently released smartphones and phablets. FULL STORY >

China overtakes US as largest smartphone market in Q3 2011
By Hanleigh Daniels 23 November 2011Market research firm Strategy Analytics has revealed that China has overtaken the US as the biggest smartphone market in terms of volume. FULL STORY >

US and South Korea under cyber attack
By Mike Joubert 10 July 2009United States and South Korean websites have been under cyber attack since the 4th of July. FULL STORY >
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